[BlueOnyx:01154] slow server

Tony Loosle tony-blue at s1-i.net
Wed Apr 29 15:47:43 -05 2009

Awhile ago there was alot of confusion when a yum update hit.   It affected alot of people here on this list.

During that time, one of my bx servers stopped working.  It lost the NIC.   I rebooted it and went into interactive mode to reload ?? the driver for the nic card.    

Since that point this server is extremely slow.   If I shell into the box, it responds very slowly.   once in, i try to ping, ie:  ping www.google.com  it takes several seconds before it responds, then does one ping, hangs for a few more seconds then goes as it normaly does.

Web pages, everything on this box is very very slow.  Yet the cpu never gets pushed past 2 or3 %.

Any ideas or help???

I would be interested in a paid solution if someone out there has any ideas?


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