[BlueOnyx:02084] Re: disk usage stopped calculating

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Thu Aug 13 07:38:09 -05 2009

Hi Chris,

> Preface:  This is a customer machine.   The user, as root, performed a
> "chown -R root *" at some point, changing ownership apparently of
> everything in /home/sites/

Outch. \o/

> We have restored correct ownership for websites and users so that email
> works and websites appear.

Try this:


I know, you said you fixed the ownerships already, but for good measure run 
the 1st script anyway.

The 2nd one (disk_restorequotas.pl) polls CCE for which group and user quota 
is set for all sites and users and then pushes that back onto the filesystem.

The 3rd runs Active Monitor, which should read the actual system disk quota, 
compare it with the maximum diskspace sites and users are allowed and then 
populates CCE with the the current actual usage.

Even a copletly shot disk quota can be restored by running 
disk_restorequotas.pl and then swatch.

> PS... I recommend that you don't do what he did.

Yeah, unless you're an ISP, want to test if your phone works and your clients 
still remember you. :o)

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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