[BlueOnyx:02121] Re: BlueQuartz management GUI seems to have lost all configurations

Chuck Tetlow chuck at tetlow.net
Fri Aug 14 13:07:17 -05 2009

> In fact you should do either that soonest - or manually set 
> "isLicenseAccepted" to "1" in the System object. Otherwise anyone happening to 
> stop by at the GUI can change the admin password and/or change the network 
> settings. 
> Do this: 
> As root run this command: 
> /usr/sausalito/bin/cceclient 
> Then in the CSCP shell type this (exactly as shown - capitalization is 
> important): 
> find System

When I first ran into the problem and figured out that the GUI was showing the initial setup page, I also thought about someone else pressing the start or configuring it with their password.  So I immediately used IPTables to lock out access to port 444 except from my own IP.  So I've been able to take my time looking around for a solution without worry of someone else messing with the GUI.And I remember your e-mail a few days ago that talked about accessing the CODB from the command line.  I remember thinking "Cool, way to configure from CLI.  Learning something new every day!".  So I tried the cceclient on this system.  As soon as I typed "find Network" - the client just kicked me back to the command line.Just tried it with your suggestion - "find System".  Same thing happens - it just kicks me back to the command line.  No error, no explanation.  Here's what it looks like:[root at bq-v-fp ~]#[root at bq-v-fp ~]# /usr/sausalito/bin/cceclient100 CSCP/0.80200 READYfind System[root!
 @bq-v-fp ~]#[root at bq-v-fp ~]#
> If you want to change the value for "isLicenseAccepted" to "1", do this: 
> set 1 isLicenseAccepted = "1" 
> The first 1 of course should match the object ID of your "System" object. 
Thought I'd try that too.  I used set 1 isLicenseAccepted = "1", and it seemed to work.  At least, cceclient accepted with "201 OK".  But the GUI still defaults to the START page, even though I used the IP address to access it.
> That sounds like the "System" Object is entirely toasted. See if a "service 
> cced.init restart" brings it back.

Tried that.  It made a difference.  Management GUI connection no longer go to START page.  Now it says its going to the Login page, but nothing appears.  Just a blank page.  And cceclient attempts now result in "Connection failed: Connection refused".I think I'll reboot and see what happens afterward.  Thanks for the suggestions Michael.Chuck

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