[BlueOnyx:03041] Re: Unlimited everything?

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Mon Dec 7 20:51:14 -05 2009

Hi Darrell ,

> Just looked at disk usage for the new server, sites, and users.  
> Under summary, disk usage is reported and compared to total size, and
> percent used shown.
> If you click Sites, all sites show 0 or some ridiculously small number, and
> allowed disk space is reported as unlimited for everyone, percentage used,
> 0%.
> If you click a site name, all sites' disk used is 0%, user disk used is 0%,
> amount is unlimited, percent used 0%.
> Click Users, all are unlimited space allows, used nearly nada except for
> admin, which is shown with 12GB!
> What's up here?

Looks like your quota is thoroughly hosed.

Quota works two ways on BlueOnyx:

There is the quota on the system level and there is the quota that's stored in 
the GUI. Every time swatch runs it reads the quote from the system level and 
stores that info (site/user max allowed quota and its current utilization) 
into CODB for GUI usage.

If one of them is wrong or off, then there are ways of fixing it:

a) If the system quota is right, but the GUI shows wrong values, then simply 
run "swatch" as "root".

b) If the system quota is wrong, but the GUI still shows how much diskspace 
sites and users should have as a maximum, then run 
"/usr/sausalito/sbin/disk_restorequotas.pl" as "root". That will walk through 
every site and user and will set their allowed disk quota to whatever values 
are stored in CODB.

In your case it appears to be the case that the GUI has the wrong info. To be 
sure, check the system quota with the following two commands:

/usr/sausalito/sbin/get_quotas.pl --users
/usr/sausalito/sbin/get_quotas.pl --sites

That should show the system quota usage and limits for sites and users 
respectively. If that info make sense, run "swatch" (full path: 
/usr/sbin/swatch) from the command line and then check the GUI to see if the 
disk quota now shows correctly.

If that is not the case, then it'll get more tricky, but we can cover that 
when we get there.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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