[BlueOnyx:00479] BX install CD and %post scripts

Gerald Waugh gwaugh at frontstreetnetworks.com
Tue Feb 10 10:27:55 -05 2009

 Has anyone been able to get the install.script to work?
 This file is in the PKGS directory on the CD.
# Do the following to fix the issue not running %post scripts:
# Note that the *.img files use the squashfs file system.
# if the tools are not on the system yum install them. 
  yum -y install squashfs-tools mkisofs cdrecord
# insert install-cd into cdrom
  mkdir /mnt/cdrom
  mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
  mkdir /home/BlueOnyx
  mkdir /home/BlueOnyx/ISOs
  mkdir /home/BlueOnyx/BlueOnyx-5.2-20090107
  cd /mnt/cdrom
# move the iso to a rw area
  tar -c * | tar -C /home/BlueOnyx/BlueOnyx-5.2-20090107 -xf-
  cd  /home/BlueOnyx/BlueOnyx-5.2-20090107
  cp /mnt/cdrom/.discinfo .
  umount /mnt/cdrom
# remove the install cd and insert a fresh CD
  cd /home/BlueOnyx/BlueOnyx-5.2-20090107/images  
  unsquashfs stage2.img
  cd squashfs-root
  vi usr/lib/anaconda/dispatch.py
# find these lines (need to reverse them)
    ("methodcomplete", doMethodComplete, ),
    ("dopostaction", doPostAction, ),
#and change to
    ("dopostaction", doPostAction, ),
    ("methodcomplete", doMethodComplete, ),
# note with vi you will have to use :w! to write the ro file
# recreate the ram file system:
  cd ..
  mksquashfs squashfs-root ../../stage2.img
  cp  ../../stage2.img stage2.img
  rm -rf squashfs-root
  cd ../
  mkisofs -P CentOS -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/boot.cat\
  -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -r -J -T -o
../ISOs/BlueOnyx-5.2-20090107-1.iso .
  cd ../ISOs
# note dev arguement may be different execute 'cdrecord scanbus' to find
dev= info
  cdrecord -v dev=5,0,0  BlueOnyx-5.2-20090107-1.iso

You should now have a CD that will run the %post scripts.
There may be typos/erros in the above...


Gerald Waugh
Front Street Networks - RaQware
4604 Fern Ave
Shreveport, LA 71105-3118
United States of America
Phone: +1 318-670-8312
Cell: +1 318-401-0428

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