[BlueOnyx:01689] Re: Sendmail attack, again
Ken Marcus - Precision Web Hosting, Inc.
kenlists at precisionweb.net
Tue Jul 14 12:44:16 -05 2009
----- Original Message -----
From: Rodrigo Ordonez Licona
To: 'BlueOnyx General Mailing List'
Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2009 10:04 AM
Subject: [BlueOnyx:01688] Re: Sendmail attack, again
Had this problem before
remove files by names
rm dqf01*
rm dqf02*
Rodrigo O
From: blueonyx-bounces at blueonyx.it [mailto:blueonyx-bounces at blueonyx.it] On
Behalf Of Steve Davis
Sent: Martes, 14 de Julio de 2009 08:08
To: blueonyx at blueonyx.it
Subject: [BlueOnyx:01681] Sendmail attack, again
Thought I was all finished with this. Had firewall rules set to block the
numerous IP's attacking the server, however, it was not enough.
My /var folder is 100% full. Most of it in the /var/spool/mqueue
But I cannot delete or look at the files, when i try to
[root at raq1 mqueue]# rm -f *
bash: /bin/rm: Argument list too long
anyone have any ideas.
Also, none of the mail on this server is relevant. It is not being used as a
mail server, for the most part.
The script I use is below. It deletes old files or based on a keyword in the
#deletes q files related to the keyword
use File::Find;
use POSIX qw(locale_h strftime);
print "First I will create the ~admin/spam directory. \n";
system ("mkdir ~admin/spam");
$date_fmt = '%b %e';
$date = strftime($date_fmt, localtime);
#print "The date is $date";
$month = "";
print "Current Month Abbreviation Older mail files will be deleted. Default
is $date";
$month = <STDIN>;
chomp ($month);
if ($month eq "") {
$month = "$date";
print "The month has been set to $month \n";
chomp ($month);
$restart = "";
print "restart mail server y/n default is y";
$restart = <STDIN>;
chomp ($restart);
if ($restart eq "") {$restart = "y";}
print "Keyword to look for Default is: viagra";
$keyword = <STDIN>;
chomp ($keyword);
if ($keyword eq "") { $keyword = "viagra";}
chomp ($keyword);
print "The first keyword is set to $keyword\n";
$keyword2 ="vacationwhateverhere";
$keyword3 ="excessive unknown";
$keyword4 ="no such file";
$keyword5 ="refused by";
$keyword6 ="pharmac";
$keyword7 ="somethingelsehere";
$number = 0;
print "Proceeding to delete files related to $keyword or $keyword2 or
$keyword3 \n\n";
#process for 4 q files
$thedirname = "/home/spool/mqueue/q1";
find(\&process_file, @DIRLIST);
$thedirname = "/home/spool/mqueue/q2";
find(\&process_file, @DIRLIST);
$thedirname = "/home/spool/mqueue/q3";
find(\&process_file, @DIRLIST);
$thedirname = "/home/spool/mqueue/q4";
find(\&process_file, @DIRLIST);
if ( -e "/home/spool/mqueue/q4") {} else {
$thedirname = "/home/spool/mqueue";
find(\&process_file, @DIRLIST);
if ( -e "/home/spool/mqueue") {} else {
$thedirname = "/var/spool/mqueue";
find(\&process_file, @DIRLIST);
sub process_file {
$newfile = $File::Find::name;
$lsla=`ls -la $newfile`;
if ( ($lsla !~ /$month/ ) and ($month ne "" ) ) {
$action = "delete";
$reason = "date";
} else {
open (FIL,"$newfile") or die "Can't Open newfile\n";
print "I am looking at: $newfile\n";
$count = 0;
while (<FIL>) {
$newline = "$_";
$lsla=`ls -la $newfile`;
if ( $newline =~
/$keyword|$keyword2|$keyword3|$keyword4|$keyword5|$keyword6|$keyword7/i ) {
$action = "delete";
$reason = "It had something in the newline";
$count = $count + 1;
if ($count == 50) { last; }
close (FIL);
if ( $action eq "delete" ) {
#system("cat $newfile\n\n ");
system("mv $newfile ~admin/spam");
chomp ($newline);
print "I moved $newfile to ~admin/spam.\n It had $newline in it\nlsla
was $lsla \n Reason was $reason\n\n";
#sleep (1);
$action = "nothing";
$number +=1;
print "Deleted $number files related to $keyword or $keyword2 or
$keyword3 \n\n";
if ($restart =~ /y/) {
print "Restarting sendmail \n";
system ("/etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail stop");
system ("sleep 2");
system ("killall -9 sendmail");
system ("/etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail start");
#system ("/etc/rc.d/init.d/poprelayd restart");
Ken Marcus
Ecommerce Web Hosting by
Precision Web Hosting, Inc.
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