[BlueOnyx:01732] Re: Sendmail attack, again RESOLVED

Greg Kuhnert greg.kuhnert at theanchoragesylvania.com
Wed Jul 15 23:33:46 -05 2009

Steve Davis wrote:
> I have still not resolved this.?? 3.2 million in the mailq. It appears 
> that this attack is intended on crashing the server/sendmail? VAR at 
> 100% is generally not good.

I've been working with Steve, and the good news is that this appears to 
be fixed. For the benefit of others who might run into this, here are 
some notes about the solution.

Basically, I cleaned the queue (deleted files from /var/spool/mailq), 
and then did a forced rebuild of the sendmail config file

    cd /etc/mail
    touch sendmail.mc
    service sendmail start

What we do know is that mail relaying is now blocked. What we don't know 
with 100% certainty is the method the attackers used to allow his box to 
be an open relay in the first place.... but at least its sorted for now.

Greg Kuhnert

|   / \   Greg Kuhnert, gkuhnert at compassnetworks.com.au               |
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