[BlueOnyx:01842] Un-subscriptions...?

Jeff Jones jeffrhysjones at mac.com
Mon Jul 27 08:50:58 -05 2009

I've noticed a couple of things recently.

1) A higher volume of mail from the list, regarding user specific  
situations such as SMTP security issues, mailbox perms, etc.
2) A number of people attempting to un-subscribe from the lists.

I'm worried that there are many people on this list that could be  
worthwhile contributors to the BX project - are genuinely interested  
in following it, but are choosing to leave simply because they are  
getting more and more emails, but finding fewer and fewer posts on the  
list that are relevant to them.

I have to admit - some mornings I wake up and there are 10 emails on  
one discussion alone. Sometimes it's relevant to me and I read through  
all of them, and sometimes it's not, so I delete them. More often than  
not, the latter. The system is not very selective. I mean - how can it  
know what I find interesting?!?!

I'm not trying to rock the boat or anything, but isn't it about time  
we looked at a forum system? Don't we think this project has got big  
enough now?

This would be the best as we would be able to subscribe to the  
topics / categories we are interested in. Plus with a search feature,  
we won't be solving the same problem again and again as new people  
join up.

I just worry that the list at the moment can generate quite a bit of  
email load and that might make people leave which would be a shame.

I used to find Bryans old Nuonce forums invaluable for finding issues  
via search - and I have to admit that had he used a mailing list, I  
don't think I would have carried on using BQ - I simply would not have  
been able to find answers. I think his forum was instrumental to him  
growing such a high user base. Could the lack of one be limiting BX?

Surely there must be a free community system out there we could use?


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