[BlueOnyx:01371] CNAMES

Richard Sidlin richard at sidlin.co.uk
Tue Jun 9 04:37:48 -05 2009


I have added a CNAME entry onto one of the domains but it doesn't show up on DNS Report for some reason. This is the content of the zone file. Is there something that I'm not doing here?:


; db.campsimcha.org.uk
; This file was automatically generated by dns_generate.pl.  Do not
; edit this file directly.  If you need to make additions to this
; file that CCE does not support, add your extra records to the
; db.campsimcha.org.uk.include file.

$TTL 86400
campsimcha.org.uk. IN SOA ns.helpplc.co.uk. support.helpinternet.co.uk. (
        2009060910 ; serial number
        10800 ; refresh
        3600 ; retry
        604800 ; expire
        86400 ; ttl
campsimcha.org.uk.      IN      NS      ns.helpplc.co.uk.
campsimcha.org.uk.      IN      NS      ns0.as9105.com.

campsimcha.org.uk.      in mx 20 mk-spam-01.helpinternet.co.uk.
ftp.campsimcha.org.uk.  in a
campsimcha.org.uk.      in mx 20 mk-spam-02.helpinternet.co.uk.
mail.campsimcha.org.uk. in a
webmail.campsimcha.org.uk.      in a
dms.campsimcha.org.uk.  in a
admin.campsimcha.org.uk.        in a
www.campsimcha.org.uk.  in cname campsimcha.tclhosting.co.uk.

; User customizations go in this include file:
$INCLUDE db.campsimcha.org.uk.include
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