[BlueOnyx:01453] Re: Password failure

Richard Sidlin richard at sidlin.co.uk
Sat Jun 20 11:49:27 -05 2009

Thanks Chuck. Fantastic.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Chuck Tetlow 
  To: BlueOnyx General Mailing List 
  Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 2:19 PM
  Subject: [BlueOnyx:01442] Re: Password failure

  Old story - I've seen it dozens of times. 

  Its the same story with the authentication subsystem broken - probably because someone tried to hack in.  It happens everytime there is a strong hacking attempt on the BlueQuartz machines.  It breaks something between the network services that require authentication and the actual authentication subsystem.  They're both still running - but won't play together. 

  Use this script to fix it: 

  /sbin/service sendmail stop 
  /usr/bin/killall -9 sendmail 
  /sbin/service spamassassin stop 
  /sbin/service dovecot stop 
  /usr/bin/killall -9 pop3-login 
  /usr/bin/killall -9 dovecot-auth 
  /sbin/service dbrecover stop 
  /sbin/service auditd stop 
  rm -f /var/db/log* 
  /sbin/service auditd start 
  /sbin/service dbrecover start 
  /sbin/service saslauthd restart 
  /sbin/service dovecot start 
  /sbin/service spamassassin start 
  /sbin/service sendmail start 

  The only difference, if you've got some of the Nuonce packages installed - I add a line to also kill all MailScanner processes.  As you can see - that script will stop all services that need network authentication (except SSH).  It then restarts the authentication subsystems.  And finally - it restarts the network services.  I've saved that script in a directory under /root called /root/bin and named it fix-server.  That way, I can log in (only as admin and then "su -" to root) and run it when some scumbag tries to hack one of my servers. 

  Just remember - it has to be run as "root".  Even running as "admin" won't work - only root can do all those things.  But it will fix a broken BQ every time its been hacked at.  But if you're still having any problems - reboot! 

  Good luck. 


  ---------- Original Message ----------- 
  From: "Richard Sidlin" <richard at sidlin.co.uk> 
  To: <blueonyx at blueonyx.it> 
  Sent: Thu, 18 Jun 2009 08:22:08 +0100 
  Subject: [BlueOnyx:01438]  Password failure 

  > Hi. Users credentials on a Blue Quartz (sorry if this is the wrong forum) fails. When you log in on the GUI it says You have not entered a correct username etc. The admin one works and if I try and change the password within the virtual site, although there are no errors, it still won't log in. POP3 for that user then fails etc. 
  > Is there a fix for this at all. 
  > Thanks 
  > Richard 
  ------- End of Original Message ------- 


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