[BlueOnyx:00910] Tar.gz installer on Amazon Cloud EC2 + eth0 settings

Julien Buratto julien.buratto at gmail.com
Tue Mar 31 03:19:19 -05 2009


I'm trying to install blueonyx in the Amazon Cloud on a EC2 virtual machine
via tar.gz installer.

As the EC2 are set to have a private network IP address (and then mapped
externally with attached public IPs), I need to be able to run the
installation without changing the actual IP address which is set on ETH0.

What is the best way to achive this ?
I've tried to set dhclient in /etc/rc.local so that, at reboot, the ip get
re-set to the dhcp network, but this does not seem to work.
Another test I would perform is to set eth1 to be using dhcp so that, even
if blueonyx installer changes the eth0 settings, eth1 are left untouched.

Do you think this could work ?
Any other suggestions ?

Julien Buratto
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