[BlueOnyx:02879] Re: how to receive an error msg "No such user here"
Gerald Waugh
gwaugh at frontstreetnetworks.com
Mon Nov 16 09:22:14 -05 2009
On Mon, 2009-11-16 at 13:04 +0900, Eiji Hamano (bluequartz) wrote:
> Dear
> We are using "email aliases" value on "email address field" of his mailer.
> For example; real acount "h0001" has an aliases name "support".
> He sets "support at mydomain.com" as email address, not "h0001 at mydomain.com".
> However when he sets the "support at mydomain.com",
> he cannot receive the error msg like as follow.
> ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
> <qqq at xxx.yyy>
> (reason: 553 5.3.0 <qqq at xxx.yyy>... No such user here)
> "qqq at xxx.yyy": is a mistaken terget address.
> Only when he sets "h0001 at mydomain.com", he can receive the error msg.
> How do we receive the error msg with aliases address "support at mydomain.com"
> ?
> We don't want to tell receivers about real account.
He has to use the username for pop3 / smtp login setup in his email
client, but should be able to use the alias as a reply-to and as his
email address.
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