[BlueOnyx:02603] Re: Quick List

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Mon Oct 12 22:46:24 -05 2009

Hi Darrell,

> What is the quickest way to generate a list of the email addresses of a
> BQ/BO box's admin users?  I would ultimately like to make a cron job that
> will automatically fetch each account's admin email address and store it in
> a file.

This script - although it has some drawbacks - might help.

#!/usr/bin/perl -I/usr/sausalito/perl -I/usr/sausalito/handlers/base/vsite
# Copyright 2008-2009 Team BlueOnyx. All rights reserved.

use CCE;
my $cce = new CCE;

# Find all Vsites:
my @vhosts = ();
my (@vhosts) = $cce->findx('Vsite');

# Walk through all Vsites:
for my $vsite (@vhosts) {
    ($ok, my $my_vsite) = $cce->get($vsite);

    # Start with an empty and predefined array:
    my @users = ();

    # Get all users of this Vsite:
    @users = $cce->findx('User', { 'site' => $my_vsite->{name} });

    # Walk through all users of that Vsite:
    for my $user (@users) {
        # Get the username:
        ($ok, my $myuser) = $cce->get($user);

	# Print out only siteAdmin's email addys:
        if ($myuser->{capLevels} =~ /&(adminUser|siteAdmin)&/) {
            print $myuser->{name} . '@' . $my_vsite->{fqdn} . "\n";


It generates a list of all siteAdmins in the format ...

username at fqdn

So if the site is named www.blueonyx.it and the username of the siteAdmin is 
mstauber, then the printed out email address would be this:

mstauber at www.blueonyx.it

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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