[BlueOnyx:02689] Re: godaddy cert again
Ken Marcus - Precision Web Hosting, Inc
kenlists at precisionweb.net
Tue Oct 20 23:22:05 -05 2009
----- Original Message -----
From: John Sikes
Excuse me, but this godaddy thing is driving me crazy
I googled, and tried most of the stuff
godaddy download
I moved the certs into /home/sites/domain.tld/certs
mv gd_bundle.crt ca-certs
cp certificate certificate.bak
which has
ca-certs certificate certificate.bak key request
restarted httpd, but no joy ..............
I used ca-certs for the gd_bundle (which has 3 certs in it) as that appears
to be what the file
/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl_perl.conf is looking for
I just installed one on Blue Quartz. I assume it is the same for BlueOnyx.
Initially I messed up because I generated a 2048 bit cert manually and
copied the files to the certs directory. But left the 1024 bit selfsigned
cert there. That caused the web server to not start.
Anyway, unless there is a difference in BlueOnyx, the bundled certs are
The steps I used were:
# enable ssl for the site from the GUI and generate a csr from there so
that I can see what file names it uses.
# from the command line, cd to their certs directory and remove those files
#create the 2048 bit csr using
openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout key -nodes -out request
cat request
# email the customer the csr file contents from "request" file, since they
wanted to buy the cert.
# they emailed the files to me which are:
somedomain.com.crt gd_bundle.crt
# I copy somedomain.com.crt to certs/certificate
cat gd_bundle.crt
# that shows 3 distinct certs
I cut and paste the first one from my ssh terminal into NotePad/ Wordpad
and name it C1
I do the same for C2 and C3.
>From the server admin area I click "Manage Certificate Authorities" and add
"Certificate Authority name" C1 with the file of that same name on the
desktop of my PC.
The same for C2 and C3.
Restart httpd for good measure.
That's it.
Ken Marcus
Ecommerce Web Hosting by
Precision Web Hosting, Inc.
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