[BlueOnyx:02417] Re: caddvsite quota option is missing

Gerald Waugh gwaugh at frontstreetnetworks.com
Wed Sep 16 15:58:22 -05 2009

savvas wrote
  I am trying to create a script to automate the creation of vsites and tried to use caddvsite but it doesn't give me an option to set the disk quota.
  Is there any way to enable it?
  Here is the options of caddvsite
  # /usr/sbin/caddvsite
  Usage /usr/sbin/caddvsite [OPTION]...
  [--apop, -o, --enable-apop] [--catchall=string, -k, --enable-catchall] [--cgi, -c, --enable-cgi] [--domain=string, --domainname, -d] [--fpx=string, -x, --enable-fpx] [--ftp, -f, --enable-ftp] [--ftpConn=integer, -z, --ftp-maxconn] [--ftpQuota=integer, -m, --ftp-quota] [--help, -h, -?] [--host=string, --hostname, -n] [--ipaddr=string, -i, --ipaddress] [--java, -j, --enable-java] [--mailAliases=list, -e, --mail] [--maxusers=integer, -u, --max] [--php, -p, --enable-php] [--quick, -Q] [--shell, -t, --enable-shell] [--ssi, -s, --enable-ssi] [--ssl, -l, --enable-ssl] [--volume=string, -v] [--webAliases=list, -w, --web]

  Thanks in advance
  ============  R E P L Y  =====
  Maybe this will help
       $shell->putObj('quota', $defaults->{quota}, 'Disk') if(!$shell->isObj('quota', 'Disk')); 

  Indicates that it uses the quota defauts in the GUI virtual site template 

  But I don't think this version has been released, 
  maybe Michael cab give us the answer

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