[BlueOnyx:05195] suPHP and squirrelmail

Jeff Folk jefffolk at mac.com
Mon Aug 9 22:30:55 -05 2010

Okay... I see in the archives there was some discussion about  
squirrelmail and PHP, and someone mentioned that they didn't know if  
suPHP would break squirrelmail... I enabled suPHP on two virtual hosts  
that run a popular CMS (Wordpress) so that update scripts would run  
properly, and one of those virtual sites happens to run email and use  
squirrelmail. Ouch. Broken with this error:

Internal Server Error
File "/usr/share/squirrelmail/index.php" is not in document root of  
Vhost "/home/.sites/28/site1/web"

suPHP 0.7.1

Luckily, I have another vsite in the same domain that I can forward  
those users to, but is there a solution to this? I looked at all the  
search results for "suPHP squirrelmail" but saw no one having this  
particular problem.

Thanks, Y'all!
Jeff Folk

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