[BlueOnyx:06116] Re: Changing quota for all users

Ken - Precision Web Hosting, Inc kenlists at precisionweb.net
Tue Dec 14 17:22:55 -05 2010

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert Fitzpatrick" <lists at webtent.net>
To: "BlueOnyx" <blueonyx at blueonyx.it>
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2010 1:55 PM
Subject: [BlueOnyx:06115] Changing quota for all users

> Would there by any way to change the quota for all users? We have lots
> of users just setup on a new server with low quota and would like to
> raise all to larger quota. Is the BlueOnyx GUI tied to the underlying
> quota system or does it maintain something on its own for tracking? I
> thought perhaps a 'edquota' script could be written.
> --Robert

On BQ servers I have used the per script below:


$amounttoadd = 1000;
print"Check quota for list of users and set to used + $amounttoadd\n";

@lsitofusers = `clistuser`;

foreach $usernameall (@lsitofusers) {
   chomp ($usernameall);
   ($username, $nada1,  $nada2,  $nada3) = split(/\s+/,$usernameall);
   chomp ($username);
  if (($username !~ /\S{2}/)  or ($username eq "admin")) {
  print "Looking at the quota for $username\n";

   @userinfo = `clistuser | grep $username`;
   @thequota =`quota $username`;
   $allquota = `quota $username`;

   print "allquota $allquota \n ";

   ($value1, $value2,  $quotaused,  $quotaavail) = 
   $quotaneeded =  $quotaused + 100000;

   if ( $allquota =~ /: none/) {
      print "-------------------------------------\n";
      print  "contained none, so set to $amounttoadd\n";
      system("/usr/sbin/cmoduser --name=$username --quota=$quotaneeded ");
   } else { next;}
   sleep (1);
@userinfo = `clistuser | grep $username`;
   @thequota =`quota $username`;
   $allquota = `quota $username`;

   print "allquota $allquota \n ";

   ($value1, $value2,  $quotaused,  $quotaavail) = 
   $quotaneeded =  $quotaused + 100000;

   if ( $allquota =~ /: none/) {
      print "**************************************\n";
      print  "contained none, so set to $amounttoadd\n";
      system("/usr/sbin/cmoduser --name=$username --quota=$quotaneeded ");
   }  else { next;}
   sleep (1);
@userinfo = `clistuser | grep $username`;
   @thequota =`quota $username`;
   $allquota = `quota $username`;

   print "allquota $allquota \n ";

   ($value1, $value2,  $quotaused,  $quotaavail) = 
   $quotaneeded =  $quotaused + 100000;

   if ( $allquota =~ /: none/) {
      print "###########################################\n";
      print  "It still contained none, so set to $amounttoadd\n";
      system("/usr/sbin/cmoduser --name=$username --quota=$quotaneeded ");
   }  else { next;}
   sleep (1);

@userinfo = `clistuser | grep $username`;
   @thequota =`quota $username`;
   $allquota = `quota $username`;

   print "allquota $allquota \n ";

   ($value1, $value2,  $quotaused,  $quotaavail) = 

   if ( $quotaused > $quotaavail ) {
     $quotaneeded = $quotaused / 1000;
     $quotaneeded = int ($quotaneeded);
     $quotaneeded = $quotaneeded + 1000;
     print "\nThe quota used for $username is:   $quotaused \n";
     print "The quota avail for $username is:  $quotaavail \n";
     print "I will increase the quota to  $quotaneeded\n";
     system("/usr/sbin/cmoduser --name=$username --quota=$quotaneeded ");



Ken M
Precision Web Hosting, Inc.

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