[BlueOnyx:03510] DNS prob after migration from BQ

Bret Hughes bhughes at elevating.com
Mon Feb 8 12:00:21 -05 2010

I am new to cobalt related boxes but do know my way around a Centos box 
ok.  I have a client that had a BlueQuartz (BQ) box that was hacked so 
we have migrated it to BlueOnyx rather than rebuild it on BQ.  For the 
most part it went well but for a dns issue. Every time we make a dns 
change, named.conf gets a duplicate record for the local host reverse 

zone "1/" {
  type master;
  file "db.1-";

there are db.1-* files that get generated :


db.1- looks like:

; db.1-
; This file was automatically generated by dns_generate.pl.  Do not
; edit this file directly.  If you need to make additions to this
; file that CCE does not support, add your extra records to the
; db.1- file.

$TTL 86400
1/ IN SOA ndm1.newdaymedia.com. 
admin.ndm1.newdaymedia.com. (
        2010020536 ; serial number
        10800 ; refresh
        3600 ; retry
        604800 ; expire
        86400 ; ttl
1/      IN      NS      ndm1.newdaymedia.com.

; User customizations go in this include file:
$INCLUDE db.1-

I believe this is done in dns_generate.pl and am going to look at it but 
since it is over 1000 lines of perl I thought I would hedge my bets and 
see if you knew why this might be happening.  It would not hurt my 
feelings to get rid of it altogether.  I removed the zones from 
named.conf and restarted named from the command line :
service named restart and all is well until the next change and 
dns_generate.pl gets called again.

I deleted the zones and the db.1-32* files as well  but they get 

Any ideas?


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