[BlueOnyx:03516] Re: BO and Wordpress - HELP!

Stephanie Sullivan ses at aviaweb.com
Mon Feb 8 14:09:27 -05 2010

This has been covered here before.


Here is the summary:


Safe mode on

Safe mode gid on


Ssh into the box and su to root then

cd /home/.sites/112/site7/web/ 

chgrp -R site7 *

chmod g+Sw wp-content/uploads

chmod -R g+w wp-content/uploads/*

chmod g+Sw wp-content


This from memory, but should be pretty darn close. It sets the critical
directories (all really should be set) with the group sticky bit. This means
files created within will have a default group matching the containing
directory. The makes safe_mode_gid work. Making the files group writable
means you can modify them via ftp.


I have assumed the files are owned by user apache (or httpd, I forget
which). If not you might want to try a chown on wp-content/uploads.





From: blueonyx-bounces at blueonyx.it [mailto:blueonyx-bounces at blueonyx.it] On
Behalf Of Administrator
Sent: Monday, February 08, 2010 1:46 PM
To: blueonyx at blueonyx.it
Subject: [BlueOnyx:03515] BO and Wordpress - HELP!


I have had so many issue with Wordpress and BO (not an issue with BQ).


I keep getting the following error when I am trying to upload Media (.jpg)
to a Post. 


The uploaded file could not be moved to


Its usually a permission issue, and I chmod"ed" it, Still nothing and the
same error. I have read about the "Safe Mode" setting in PHP, but that broke
the rest of my sites. Currently settings SAFE MODE ON / SAVE MODE GID OFF,
sites working except no uploads.


[root at ndmail200 uploads]# cd ..

[root at ndmail200 wp-content]# ls

index.php  plugins  test  themes  upgrade  uploads

[root at ndmail200 wp-content]# ls -na

total 32

drwxrwxrwx 7 500 506 4096 Feb  5 06:03 .

drwxrwsr-x 8  99 506 4096 Jan  9 16:25 ..

-rw-r--r-- 1 500 506   30 Jan  9 15:14 index.php

drwxrwsr-x 5 500 506 4096 Feb  5 06:03 plugins

drwxr-xr-x 2   0   0 4096 Jan 22 06:02 test

drwxrwsr-x 8 500 506 4096 Jan 10 07:24 themes

drwxr-xr-x 2 500 100 4096 Feb  5 06:04 upgrade

drwxrwxrwx 2   0   0 4096 Jan 22 10:00 uploads

[root at ndmail200 wp-content]#


Any Ideas would be much appreciated.




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