[BlueOnyx:03553] dirs named system not in export

Bret Hughes bhughes at elevating.com
Tue Feb 9 22:58:49 -05 2010

I recently had probs with quotas that really ended up being a result of 
trying to recover a bunch of directories named system buried in joomla 
sites.  for some reason none of the 136 dirs named system were exported 
from the BQ box using the export command and thus were not imported 
leading me to unzip a handrolled tarball I made when I first started 
this project.  It was not pretty. at > 550K files and about 40 GB it was 
not fast to do anything with it but I was glad at the time that I had it 
as I was able to iterate over the results of a find command and copy the 
dirs to where they needed to be.
Is this a known issue or did I do something strange that excluded these 
directories from my export that was ftp'ed to the new box?


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