[BlueOnyx:03645] Re: dkim and or domainkey implementation

trasor trasor at lhtot.com
Wed Feb 24 09:49:15 -05 2010

On 2/20/2010 9:21 PM, trasor wrote:
> I need some help getting DKIM and or Domainkeys to work with 
> blueonyx.  I have setup and made what I believed to be the appropriate 
> changes to sendmail, however no email is signed.  I have also added 
> the appropriate TXT to my dns via the named.conf.include file and 
> according to webmin (bind all records for domain X) the TXT is indeed 
> there.  My mail log also shows that the milter is starting:
> args: -u dkim-milt -p inet:8891 at localhost -d domain.com -k 
> /etc/dkim-milter/mail -s mail -b sv -c simple -S rsa-sha1 -C 
> bad=r,dns=t,int=t,no=a -h -l -D -P /var/run/dkim-filter0.pid)
> Any pointers would be most appreciated.
Ok some further research and I have narrowed my problem with DKIM and 
Domainkeys down to the Blueonyx software.  The issues has to do with the 
use of underscores is the DNS records.  I have added the appropriate 
information into DNS via the db.domain.com.include file yet Blueonyx 
fails to read the information or acknowledge the info is there due to 
underscores.  Is there a patch or other work-around to allow Blueonyx to 
accept underscores in DNS records?  Thanks in advance.

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