[BlueOnyx:04751] Re: Login Error shuts down browser

Ralf Quint Smoothwall at gmx.net
Sun Jun 13 20:18:19 -05 2010

At 04:35 PM 6/13/2010, Michael Stauber wrote:
>Hi Florian,
> > let's hope that future ff versions will do the trick... ;)
>Yeah, but I'm beginning to give up on FF. Too fat, too bloated, too 
>buggy. But
>hey: We're finally able to skin it. That's ... <sigh> ... great. :p

I give a rodents posterior about skinning but while using strictly 
32bit OSs, I do not have any problems with Firefox, whatsoever. Once 
in a while an add-on acts up, but can't say anything bad about the 
browser itself...

As far as Safari and Chrome go, both out of my own experience and at 
work (I am working as IT support/consultant), I would stay away from 
them as far as possible. Nothing but troubles with both...

Personally I still prefer Opera, though I do not like that they keep 
insisting on adding email capabilities into a web browser...


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