[BlueOnyx:03974] Re: greylisting set to defer for 5 minutes, takes hours

Jim Dory jdory at nomealaska.org
Thu Mar 11 15:15:01 -05 2010

On 3/11/2010 10:57 AM, Ken Marcus - Precision Web Hosting, Inc wrote:
> Jim
> Many mail servers will not try again for a few hours. So, you defer it for 5
> minutes, but they do not try again for an hour. Then when they do try again,
> maybe it is from a different IP address,  so the timer starts all over
> again.

Thanks Ken,

I think greylisting just isn't a good fit for our municipal government 
so I've turned it off. I think it could be that the resultant spam is 
due to the fact that the sendmail.cf file keeps getting overwritten 
whenever I make a change so it obliterated the RBLs I had in there. I've 
re-stated them so perhaps spam will be manageable without greylisting.

thx, Jim

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