[BlueOnyx:05528] Re: rewrite rule

Christoph Schneeberger cschnee at box.telemedia.ch
Wed Oct 6 10:55:33 -05 2010

Darrell D. Mobley wrote:
> From: blueonyx-bounces at blueonyx.it [mailto:blueonyx-bounces at blueonyx.it] On Behalf Of Steffan
> Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 2:59 AM
> To: 'BlueOnyx General Mailing List'
> Subject: [BlueOnyx:05521] rewrite rule
> I noticed that a update changed the rewriterule of the vsites
> New created sites are now serving with and without www without redirecting to the www
> Also subdomains arnt redirected anymore.
> ---
> I noticed this as well, that websites weren't redirecting to the www hostname.  I don't mind adding the rules to new sites, but it would be nice to see the behavior returned to what it once was.

Actually, I haven't even noticed this yet, but it was something that I
found disturbing for years as it was before. However, while I mostly
like the change I agree with all others that this has become somewhat a
quasi-standard in Cobalt/BlueOnyx world since the first RAQ and probably
shouldn't be changed adhoc as it was. People are used and depend on this
(IMHO silly effect). Also Greggs point of looking kinda stupid in front
of customers after years of endless customer education bothers me too,
once customers actually start noticing the change ;)

So if its possible to make it a Site option, I'll be more than happy.
Otherwise I have to agree (under tears) that that it should just be
changed back.


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