[BlueOnyx:07963] Re: Web Alias Redirect

MuntadaNet Webmaster webmaster at muntada.com
Tue Aug 2 15:31:43 -05 2011


Always on it!  Thanks.


At 04:20 PM 8/2/2011, Michael Stauber wrote:
>Hi Rashid,
> > For the very first time, I noticed a check box called web alias redirect.
> >
> > What does that do?
>That's explained here:
>A new checkbox has been added under "Services" / "Web" of each site. It's
>called "Web Alias Redirects".
>If a site has multiple 'Web Server Aliases', then two kinds of behaviours are
>     * An URL request to a 'Web Server Alias' URL will redirect to the main
>sites URL. This is the default for all new sites and restores the old
>behaviour from sometime last year.
>     * An URL request to a 'Web Server Alias' will not redirect to the main
>sites URL. Instead the alias will look like an independent site on its own.
>If the checkbox is ticked, any call to a web server alias will go to the main
>URL of the site instead.
>If you have plenty of sites on a server and want to change the behaviour of
>all sites, you can now do so from the command line with this script:
>/usr/sausalito/sbin/web_alias_redirects.pl --enabled
>/usr/sausalito/sbin/web_alias_redirects.pl --disabled
>That will enable or disable "Web Alias Redirects" for all sites in one go.
>With best regards
>Michael Stauber
>Blueonyx mailing list
>Blueonyx at mail.blueonyx.it

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