[BlueOnyx:07964] Re: Install of 5107R problem (new lv is too large)

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Tue Aug 2 16:19:50 -05 2011

Hi Gerald,

> >> /usr/lib/anaconda/storage/devices.py(2058)_addLogVol()
> >> raise DeviceError("new lv is too large to fit in free space", self.name
> >
> > I have experienced the same symptoms on 3 different systems.  1 single
> > 1TB SATA, 1 2x 1TB SATA, 1, 2x 500GB SATA.   Interestingly, I have NOT
> > seen this failure on any virtualized system.
> > 
> Are there any plans to fix this.
> Looks like an issue with big drives.

Sorry, this is actually the first time that I hear about this problem. :o(

How the /home partition is created is defined in the kickstart script like 
this - after all the other partions have already been created:

logvol /home --fstype ext3 --name=home --vgname=VolGroup00 --size=1 --grow

It simply says: Create /home with filesystem EXT3, make it a LVM and grow it 
to use all remaining space that's left on the device.

That is something that always has worked in the past and in 5107R it's done no 
different than in 5106R. With one exception: In the past we used "--size=0 --
grow", but now we're forced to use "--size=1 --grow" as 0 is no longer allowed 
as size specification. With or without grow.

To me this sounds like a freak Anaconda issue and if it is, there isn't much 
that I can do to fix it. Dunno if I can cobble up a work around, but I'll see 
what I can do.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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