[BlueOnyx:09183] Re: has to be a better way

Maurice de Laat mdlaat at muisnetwerken.nl
Wed Dec 7 11:55:03 -05 2011

On Wed, Dec 07, 2011 at 09:42:48AM -0600, Scott wrote:

> Greylisting IPs seems to be a good method to stop these attacks.  Do
> you have fail2ban installed?

No, I have apf + bfd. Bfd on its turn calls a home made perl script that 
does the greylisting handling (putting the ip's in a mysql table with the 
time they can be released).

If someone is interested, I think I can donate that home made script, but 
don't shoot me 'cause I am not a real programmer. It's a bit quick & 
Maurice de Laat

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