[BlueOnyx:06363] Re: SuPHP

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Fri Jan 21 16:16:19 -05 2011

Hi Abdul Rashid,

> Yes, the users are site admins.  I have tried to change up the order I
> enabled but to no avail.  What I do know is that effectively, all of the
> php values that are set are not being moved over.  Phpinfo works but it
> shows me the master values and the local values are the same.  If I turn
> off the suPHP and run it, it shows me that the master values and the local
> values are different.  So effectively my goal here is to get the values I
> need to run recognized by suPHP.

Yeah, that's a known issue. When suPHP is enabled, a few things work 
different. The PHP settings for the Vsite are no longer honoured if suPHP is 
enabled. Instead the master values are used (max upload size, max processing 
time, and so on). 

Furthermore user enabled webs (/web in user directories) no longer work, as 
they are outside of the Vsite's DocumentRoot if suPHP is enabled. To that end 
I just releaded an updated set of base-apache RPMs which simply disable user 
webs whenever suPHP is enabled for a site and the description of suPHP and 
user webs has been modified to show this information in the mouse over help 

The entire implementation of suPHP is not really perfect as it is now and 
there are a couple of loose ends that still need to be addressed. We'll sort 
it over the next couple of weeks, though.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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