[BlueOnyx:07679] How to revert from mailman back to majordomo?

Jim Matysek matysekj at usms.org
Fri Jul 15 13:31:46 -05 2011

Are there any instructions available on how to revert a server from 
mailman back to majordomo?  I did the mailman update on one of my VPS's 
a week or two ago since it did not have any mailing lists on it yet. Now 
one site there is trying to use mailing lists and I'm having too many 
problems with it to be worth it at this point. Has anyone written 
instructions on how to revert back to majordomo?

Problems I've encountered:

1) I first set up a list while logged in as admin. Set the list up as 
normal via the BO gui, but when I emailed to listname at domain.com, I 
always got a message back saying that the message was saved as pending. 
Jumping into the mailman UI and to the list admin area there, if I 
approved that post, it disappeared from the queue but was never sent. 
The reason why it was pending was also because the actual list name 
created was 102-listname at domain.com and that didn't appear in the To or 
CC fields. I had to go into the mailman UI and toggle the first setting 
under privacy options / recipient filters to allow messages to be 
addressed to listname at domain.com rather than 102-listname at domain.com. 
Okay, so that's an inconvenience to have to teach to all my users, but I 
could live with it if I have to.

2) While in the mailman UI, I changed some other settings found in there 
- things like the identifying phrase for the list and a description, all 
things I thought would help out with the digest pages but shouldn't 
affect anything with working of the list. Well, something went wrong. 
After doing these things, it seems that the list subscribers were all 
lost to mailman. They still appeared in the BO GUI, but mail sent to the 
list was accepted and went into the digest, but was never sent out to 
the subscribers listed in the BO GUI. This was confirmed by the maillog. 
I had to delete the list, then re-create it and only changed the one 
setting in mailman from #1 above.

3) Okay, so now I know how to create lists here, so I taught a user from 
that domain how to do it. She went through the steps to create the list, 
but when she went to save it, she got a red internal server error 
message in the BO GUI. There seems to be some sort of permissions 
problem with a site administrator being able to do this rather than the 
server admin account?? The log from my messages file is below:

Jul 15 09:36:02 cms cced(smd)[3916]: client 147:[48:5747]: CREATE  
"MailList" "postPolicy" "=" "any" "remote_recips_digest" "=" "" 
"replyToList" "=" "1" "local_recips" "=" "" "subPolicy" "=" "closed" 
"maxlength" "=" "10000" "description" "=" "" "name" "=" "support" 
"moderator" "=" "user at domain.com" "site" "=" "site4" "apassword" "=" "" 
"remote_recips" "=" "&user%40domain.com&"
Jul 15 09:36:02 cms cced(smd)[3916]: LOCKDEBUG: Locked file (null): Success
Jul 15 09:36:02 cms cced(smd)[3916]: handler_perl: 
rules/base/mailman/mailman_rules does not exist
Jul 15 09:36:02 cms cced(smd)[3916]: handler_perl: 
rules/base/mailman/mailman_rules does not exist
Jul 15 09:36:02 cms cced(smd)[3916]: client 147:[48:5747]: CREATE 
MailList failed (-9)
Jul 15 09:36:02 cms cced(smd)[3916]: LOCKDEBUG: Locked file (null): No 
such file or directory

It's not worth more of my time and doesn't look like this is quite ready 
for prime time. How do I revert back?


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