[BlueOnyx:06712] new build ISO shell based network issues?
Roy Urick
rurick at usa.net
Wed Mar 16 23:32:43 -05 2011
I just attempted to deploy (using the brand new ISO) a brand new supermicro
server (5026t-TB: Xeon quad core, X58/ICH10R chipset w/ 2 drives (using the
OS soft RAID not using hardware raid), 6GB ECC RAM, etc) and ran into weird
I installed the OS using defaults. I ran the setup and got the box stood up
in my LAN for testing. Everything was great.
During the shell based setup wizard, I would constantly get the screen taken
over every few minutes by the raid sync utility timing out and throwing an
error, but eventually the drives sync'd ok.
I was able to get into the GUI, finish the setup and all seemed well. Until
I attemped to go back to the shell and run the setup program again to move
the box to a LAN segment in the vicinity of its new home. When I would
attempt to change the IP address info for ETH0, all or part would not
actually "take hold" and the box would still respond on the old IP.
Sometimes the IP would change, but the gateway wouldn't. the shell utility
showed everything was fine, but the GUI would show inconsistencies that
appeared more true than the shell setup settings. I reset using the web GUI
and it appeared to take hold properly.
I also noticed after exiting the shell setup by choosing "save and exit" I
didn't see any services restarting. I recall that used to happen when using
the shell based setup.
Then I did a CMU import/export to move my info from my old BQ box. It
imported everything OK, it setup an interface alias for the IP of the source
box, etc. long story short even though the box appeared to have the correct
new IP from the migration, it would not communicate with the network. I
eventually had to just power off the box and walk away from the migration.
No matter what network segment I put it on it was not accessible. (and I
cant troubleshoot my way out of a wet paper bag at a linux command line,
especially when basic commands like ifconfig and init are removed)
Also several times during the shell based setup application the screen would
switch to a white on black screen full of junk, Hebrew looking characters.
(obviously not Hebrew, but it had the same types of shapes) after tabbing
around and managing to get out of that screen, the screen change would cause
a full refresh and be OK.
Anyone else seen flaky things like this? Especially on the network setup?
And yes that is overkill hardware for a BO box. Its a temporary server and
the box will have a use as a windows server afterwards.
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