[BlueOnyx:09113] Re: Unable to delete subdomains problem

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Sat Nov 26 05:00:46 -05 2011

Hi Chris,

>  From a site-admin view, the "Enable Sub Domains" is checked and "Max #
> of Sub Domains" is at 10.
> If I perform the task as server admin, it will work without incident.

Yeah, you're right. So CODB is fine and the transaction works when you perform 
it as "admin", but fails when you run it as "siteAdmin". 

What this boils down to is a permission problem. Not on the file level, but 
within Sausalito. The user (in our case the "siteAdmin") needs privileges to 
perform this transaction and for some weird reason he doesn't have them.

And I can replicate the problem. I just tried to create a subdomain on a 5107R 
as a "siteAdmin":

cced(smd)[27448]: client 48:[48:2138]: CREATE  "Subdomains" "webpath" "=" 
"/home/.sites/28/site1/vhosts/subdata" "group" "=" "site1" "isUser" "=" "0" 
"hostname" "=" "subdata" 
cced(smd)[27448]: client 48:[48:2138]: CREATE Subdomains failed (-9)
cced(smd)[27449]: client 48:[48:2139]: SET  31 . subdomains "max_subdomains" 
"=" "" "vsite_enabled" "=" "" 
cced(smd)[27449]: client 48:[48:2139]: SET 31.subdomains failed (-5)

I hate that subdomain stuff. :-(

I'll look into it.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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