[BlueOnyx:11837] Re: SSL certificate minimum key length issues on BQ5100R

George F. Nemeyer tigerwolf at tigerden.com
Thu Dec 20 01:25:38 -05 2012

On Wed, 19 Dec 2012, Robb Kinnin wrote:

> Honestly, it's unfortunate that we have to upgrade boxes and OS to just
> renew an SSL.

You don't.

All you need is a box with 'fairly recent' openssl and use that to create
a 2048 bit key:

      #openssl genrsa -des3 -out servername.key 2048

Then create a Certificate Signing Request:

      #openssl req -new -key servername.key -out servername.csr

You can then self-sign the Request and use the Cert you get until you get
the real one from the Authority:

     #openssl x509 -req -days 3650 -in servername.csr -signkey
         servername.key -out servername.cert

Then, rename the key containing the password, and again using openssl,
strip the key's password from the key so it will work with the web server.

    #mv servername.key servername.key.secure

    #openssl rsa -in servername.key.secure -out servername.key

Manually replace your old server key and cert and put the new ones into
the web server's desired locations, and restart the web server.

Just Google 'creating ssl certificate', or some similar phrase, and you'll
find lots of step-by-step instructions.

I recently updated a very ancient 1990's vintage 486 box using this
procedure.  It's used for internal use, so we're just doing self signing.
But the key is 2048 bits, and it all works just fine.  It took maybe 15

=^_^=  Tigerwolf

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