[BlueOnyx:11844] broken PHP/web redirects

Roy Urick rurick at usa.net
Thu Dec 20 13:42:00 -05 2012

we are seeing some weird stuff happening with our 5107R box.  This new 
box is a virtualized (vmware) box with a single IP that hosts a handful 
of static sites.

We are migrating from a 5106R physical box and after migrating one of 
our sites that uses PHP for a contact mailer, we discovered that PHP 
wasnt executing in the browser, and that the visitors would get a page 
full of code instead of a useful form.

Our new developers took a look at it and fixed the functionality. 
Exactly how they did it I have no idea. I am waiting to hear back from 
them.  Since then none of the other previously working sites are 

Here are the two odd things we see happening:
-if you surf to any of the sites (except the site that got "fixed") you 
dont land in the virtual site's web directory, you land in the web 
directory of the server's default site.
-If you go into the site template and hit save (whether you made any 
changes or not) you get the error " Sorry, the data entered in the field 
suPHP_enabled is invalid. Please check your input and try again."

Sound like they tweaked something in an ini or otherwise outside of the 
gui that the server doesnt like?

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