[BlueOnyx:09362] Re: PHP upgrade?

Chris Gebhardt - VIRTBIZ Internet cobaltfacts at virtbiz.com
Wed Jan 11 17:33:31 -05 2012

bluequartz at ozin.com wrote:
> I know I'm going to be shouted at because I'm sure this has come up before.
> Joomla needs minimum PHP 5.2.4 whereas my BO server has 5.1.6
> Can it be upgraded? Will it be upgraded in the future? What are my options?
> Thanks in advance for the advice

Hi Jason,
Shouted at?  Nah.... chastised and cyber-stalked.... well.... ;)

You're right, it has come up before.

Your options are as follows:
1. Purchase a PHP upgrade from Solarspeed or Compass Networks (HIGHLY 
2. Roll your own PHP to be run alongside the standard PHP (so you don't 
break the GUI or backend functions)
3. Install BlueOnyx 5107R or 5108R, which are based on RHEL 6 as an 
upstream and therefore feature newer stock versions of PHP.

Your easiest way out is #1, and that's certainly the way I'd go for a 
stress-free option.

Oh, I forgot Option #4, which would be to find another YUM repo and just 
do a YUM install of another PHP version.   The reason I forgot that is 
because I'm so accustomed to answering the questions that *ALWAYS* come 
after somebody does this, such as "why is my box broken" and "how come 
nothing works" and "my customers are all furious because their sites are 
down but I don't know how to fix it".   The answer is always to restore 
to "stock", which comes at varying levels of difficulty depending on the 
exact steps you took to screw it up in the first place.   So don't do 
#4.  That would be bad.

Chris Gebhardt
VIRTBIZ Internet Services
Access, Web Hosting, Colocation, Dedicated
www.virtbiz.com | toll-free (866) 4 VIRTBIZ

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