[BlueOnyx:09831] Re: PAM problem on 5106R?

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Mon Mar 19 19:08:51 -05 2012

Hi Darryl,

> Hello, both user and host rules are turned off.
> When switching user to root, I get this:
> [admin at dedicated40 ~]$ su -
> Password:
> su: incorrect password
> [admin at dedicated40 ~]$

I'd try to change the "admin" password from the GUI first. That will change 
the "admin" password and the "root" password to the same password.

Then try again if you can "su -" from "admin" to "root". Please try it even if 
you know the current "root" password and can login directly with it. Because 
using the GUI to reset both passwords may "unbend" what's now bend.

If that still doesn't work, then something is defenitely broken or has been 
modified beyond what the GUI can fix.

Typically "admin" is in the group "wheel" as specified in /etc/group.  Users 
in the "wheel" group are allowed to "su -" to gain root access.

I have seen this mechanism being broken by modifications done to /etc/sudoers, 
/etc/group or by some kind of hacks which replaced binaries with substitutes. 
But without a deeper look or more information about the history of this box 
it's hard to gues what it could be.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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