[BlueOnyx:09852] Vacation message displays Subject: ERROR

Gustavo Silva pseudo at zbronx.com
Wed Mar 21 07:19:54 -05 2012

Hello and thanks in advance!

Anyone experiencing this same behaviour?
Vacation messages work flawlessly, the only thing is that vacation_msg 
is created without a subject so when it gets processed by vacation.pl 
everyone is getting the  vacation auto-reply with a Subject: ERROR header.

Any ideas how this should be fixed?


X-Mailer: MIME::Lite 3.027 (F2.77; T1.28; A2.04; B3.08; Q3.08)
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2012 12:12:21 +0000
From: Paulo Gonçalves<pg at myone.pt>
To: gsilva at provider.pt
Subject: ERROR

Encontro-me ausente.

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