[BlueOnyx:10472] proftpd won't start

Marcus m at emenor.com
Mon May 7 12:17:05 -05 2012


I have a 5106R install.  After updating via yum yesterday, proftpd 
wouldn't start.  I rebooted the server just in case, and it still 
wouldn't start.  I tried to manually start it via shell and the start 
failed.  I checked the tls.log file and I found an entry like this every 
15 minutes:

May 06 17:00:02 mod_tls/2.4.2[3565]: using default OpenSSL verification 
locations (see $SSL_CERT_DIR environment variable)

Looks like there may still be something wrong with ssl certs (hopefully 
just a path issue).  Sorry Michael.  :)


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