[BlueOnyx:10514] Re: Joomla Permissions Question

Klein Joachim j.klein at ibusiness.at
Wed May 9 02:14:19 -05 2012

Hy Marcello!

I use only Websites with SuPHP and this works great.
Then PHP starts the files with the same user as the files was uploaded 
and you will
never have any permissions issuses.

Take the following steps for this that it work:
1.) Create a Website and be sure that you enable both checkboxes
     Enable PHP Scripting and Enable SuPHP
2.) Then create a new user with Siteadmin-Permission
3.) After that you (on the left) to Services -> Web Ownership
4.) Now change the drop down to your Siteadmin-User and klick save
     With this all files in the webroot will be chowned to the siteadmin
5.) you have it
6.) Upload your files and have fun

If you have user owned webs, the don´t work after you enable SuPHP, but 
I have never used this.
If you have any questions give me a mail


Am 09.05.2012 08:44, schrieb Marcello Torchio:
> Hi guys,
> i write this mail to understand if there's a way to make possible 
> jommla's installation able to write folders on BO web appliance.
> I will explain my question.
> Everytime a customer upload a joomla site via FTP and test it, the 
> system does not work properly due a lack of write permissions on the 
> folders. I discovered that is because automatically the system creates 
> files and folders with the user used in FTP upload and group siteXX. 
> One solution could be to chmod 777 all files and folders, but in terms 
> of security it is not the best solution.
> I've seen that the running processes of httpd is named "apache", so 
> the solution tha i have found is to chown files and change them the 
> group from siteXX to apache and chmod permissions for folders to 775 
> and files to 664 and all works well.
> Is there a way to do this automatically or another way that i've not 
> evaluated to get the joomla CMS work without these modifications?
> This is only and example, but i've the same problem on other CMS like 
> WP, e-commerce solutions like OsCommerce and custom PHP sites that 
> needs to write files or upload things.
> Thank you and sorry for my english
> Greetings
> Marcello
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