[BlueOnyx:10584] Re: Again with the phpMyAdmin infinite loop

Alan Kline alan at snugglebunny.us
Tue May 15 17:48:22 -05 2012

Hi, Chris...

I posted about this a week or so ago, having the trouble on my 5106R 
box. The only response I got was to try Internet Explorer. I did that 
and it worked, but I wasn't thrilled about it. For one thing, I loathe 
IE and only use it when absolutely essential. But more importantly, I 
think it's important that the BX GUI should be browser-agnostic. I'd 
hope that the answer to making it work again in Firefox can be found. I 
suspect that something got broken in an update, because I'd never had a 
problem using Firefox in three years...


On 5/15/2012 5:36 PM, Chris Gebhardt - VIRTBIZ Internet wrote:
> Hi Gang,
> I have searched and searched this one, but I'm not sure that we ever got
> a "final resolution" to the phpMyAdmin infinite loop issue.
> What I'm duplicating here has been on 5108R.
> Log into BlueOnyx GUI as admin, click to Server Management>  Security>
> phpMyAdmin and get the non-stop redirect.

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