[BlueOnyx:10601] Re: Testing: 5106R/5107R/5108R YUM updates(ProFTPd, base-ftp and base-swupdate)

Bill Hicks billhicks at netstep.net
Wed May 16 07:29:31 -05 2012

>> Try changing the IP of any site.
>> Possibly it rewrites the proftpd.conf.
>> See if that does it.
>> Ken Marcus
> I was surprised.
> It fixed the problem !
> I changed /backed one IP.  But still problem.
> And I restart the server, than it fixed.
> Thank you Ken.

FYI This also worked for the issue I was having:

Would the recent update to ProFTP on the 5106R cause me to get a connect
error the 1st time I connect to a site that I havent connected to in a
while? I get a:

Failed to receive response after connect
Host type (1): Automatic Detect

When using wsftp on port 21. If I try again it connects. If I close wsftp
and come back I get the same sequence. I never had this issue before. I
reboot does not clear it up. On the other 4 servers all running same BO and
same exact hardware this is not happening.

The thing I don't understand is why it is only on the one server. The only 
thing I can possibly think of is that this is the 1st server I put BO on and 
I had ran it locally for a while and used the ftp locally (ie through before making it live.

Bill Hicks 

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