[BlueOnyx:10621] Re: New install BlueOnyx 5107R but cannot startup MailScanner

Greg Kuhnert gkuhnert at compassnetworks.com.au
Sat May 19 03:44:51 -05 2012

On 5/19/2012 2:07 AM, Chris Gebhardt - VIRTBIZ Internet wrote:
> Mon Chan wrote:
>> Hi Blue
>> I new install BlueOnyx 5107R (iso install, download from blueonyx.it
>> <http://blueonyx.it>), after yum update and install Mailscanner 4.84.5-2
>> success.
>> But cannot startup the mailscanner, cannot find any Mailscanner
>> information in maillog.
>> I success install mailscanner in BQ/BO 5106R, this is first time install
>> mailscanner in 5107R.
>> [root at ns1 log]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/MailScanner stop
>> Shutting down MailScanner daemons:
>>           MailScanner:       [FAILED]
>>           incoming sendmail: [  OK  ]
>>           outgoing sendmail: [  OK  ]
>> [root at ns1 log]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/MailScanner start
>> Starting MailScanner daemons:
>>           incoming sendmail: [  OK  ]
>>           outgoing sendmail: [  OK  ]
>>           MailScanner:       [  OK  ]
>> [root at ns1 log]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/MailScanner status
>> Checking MailScanner daemons:
>>           MailScanner:       [FAILED]
>>           incoming sendmail: [  OK  ]
>>           outgoing sendmail: [  OK  ]
> Hmmmm.  I am not aware of a MailScanner PKG for any version of BlueOnyx.
>    I think the last MailScanner was an old Nuonce for BlueQuartz, which
> of course should not be used.

Slight correction there Chris :)

There has been a mailscanner package available for 5106R for some time! 
In fact, it was just updated within the last week. There is an intent to 
do a build for 5107R and 5108R, but I have been busy recently - as well 
as fighting some ill health lately. I'll get there eventually.

> But I would not be installing MailScanner on a production BlueOnyx
> server at this point.  It is very inefficient, and unless you do some
> major tuning, it doesn't work very well, either.

I've heard similar comments for many years about Mailscanner... and I'd 
just like to add a few thoughts into the mix. You are right, but you are 
also wrong!

If you use mailscanner as the first line of defence in a mail solution - 
and send every message to Mailscanner, you're asking for trouble. It's 
just plain stupid. But - If you can do all your other filtering first - 
and then ask Mailscanner to look at whatever is left - you can often 
further reduce your mail risk using mailscanner. In my most recent 
package, I've even done some preliminary testing to allow it to sit on 
top of AV-SPAM as the last line of defense. Sorry Michael - I know you 
dont personally like mailscanner - but we all have different opinions! :)

  I would expect a 5107/5108 package to be available within a month... 
but I wont promise that yet. I've got a lot of stuff in the pipeline to 
work on before that one hits the top of the queue.


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