[BlueOnyx:12795] AV-SPAM & Greylisting Stats

Adam Lepp a at netqb.com
Tue Apr 9 15:24:10 -05 2013

I'd like to show clients (and myself!) how good AV-SPAM is.

The "Statistics" link at Solarspeed GUI > AV-SPAM > Statistics is excellent,
but most spams are likely rejected via greylisting, before being tagged or
rejected by SpamAssassin.

Is there a way to find the number & percentage of messages (per-user) that
are rejected by the greylist-milter, and not re-sent by the spammer?

I could probably write a script that analyzes the logs, but would of course
prefer something easier and more accessible - especially to clients who are
logging into their own admin screen.

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