[BlueOnyx:13601] How do I stop a virtual site pop-up when I browse the BlueOnyx server IP Address?

Richard L de S Clauson blueonyx at virbius.co.uk
Tue Aug 27 17:30:34 -05 2013

How do I stop a virtual site pop-up when I browse the BlueOnyx server IP 

I'm the Web Administrator for a company that has 3 BlueOnyx web servers (S1, 
S2, & S3).  Two of these (S1 & S2) are also the Name Servers for the 
company, and each server has a unique IP Address (..253, ..254, & ..252).

One of my questions are, why when I browse the domain name (as the URL) for 
a server the BlueOnyx comes up, BUT when I do the same for the IP Address 
one of the hosted virtual websites comes up?

The other question is, based on the same setup, and ticking the "Preview 
Site Configuration", which the "hover over the label help" says "If checked, 
preview site is created. You can access preview site on 
http://ServerName/VsiteName/.", how do I do this?  I've tried this for 
various different ways of defining both "ServerName" (see above when using 
the IP Address) and "VsiteName" (e.g. www.abc.com and abc.com) but can't get 
the underlying website to appear.  Help?  I'm assuming that this is a way to 
get at a virtual site before the Domain Name has been transferred to the 


Richard L de S Clauson
Virbius Business, Reading, +44 (0) 844-588-1397 (fax 0870-879-1562)
( mailto:richard at virbius.co.uk      - mobile: +44 (0) 7710 412815    )
( http://www.virbius.co.uk/         - more is hidden than viewable ! )

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