[BlueOnyx:14066] Re: block ports

David Thacker David at ThackerNet.com
Tue Dec 3 11:13:17 -05 2013

> looking for methods to successfully block spam?
> mailscanner, spam assassin etc does not seem to phase what we are 
> getting.


1. I use PostLayer.com hosted antispam service to filter mail for myself 
and my hosting customers before it gets to my server. See the thread 
starting with msg 12402 from back in March here:


about 1/4 way down the page. My conclusion was in msg 12532. I've been 
very happy with the PostLayer service since switching back in March. The 
user quarantine management features work well.

Note that if you want to have distributed administration of PostLayer for 
different domains, the only way to do that is to set up new separate 
PostLayer accounts for each domain. There is no real financial penalty to 
do so compared to having multiple domains under a single admin -- it 
really depends on whether you prefer a single admin or multiple 
distributed admins.

2. I also had some spam being delivered directly to my server bypassing 
the MX rules. I put an end to that by enabling blacklisting on the BX 
server in Network Services > Email > Blacklisting by adding 
zen.spamhaus.org and activating it.

Working together, there is very little spam that gets through. Not none, 
but an insignificant amount.


dAvid tHacker                                  Email: David at ThackerNet.com
Thacker Network Technologies Inc.                http://www.ThackerNet.com

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