[BlueOnyx:12203] Re: Hey Michael! Any idea how many BO boxes are out there?

Ralf Quint Smoothwall at gmx.net
Sat Feb 16 01:53:20 -05 2013

At 08:08 PM 2/15/2013, Roy Urick wrote:
>He and I are paid by the same customer...  I provide the hardware, my
>linux guru does the heavy lifting, and he is supposed to provide the
>code that sits inside the customer's website.
>The old code works fine on the customer's vanilla Redhat box. The
>updated code (presumably) works fine on his redhat box. But it has some
>oddities on BO (mainly needing to be tweaked so that it DOESNT make
>calls to http://[url]/admin which conflicts with the BO management
>They seem to do great work, but honestly I think most of the problem is
>the fact that they have never heard of BO and assume there is much, much
>more black magic under the hood that BO does on top of the OS that is
>conflicting with their code.

Simply ask him if he ever heard about "Cobalt RAQ"! If he says no, 
ask him if he's "in business" for more than a couple of years.
Those machines were all the rave back then, as they provided the 
simplest way to get web and email services going in one simple to 
manage appliance. They sold tens of thousands of those until they 
were bought up by Sun, who for whatever reason, then decided to pull 
the plug. But they then did at least the "honorable thing" and 
released the current source code for their Linux version as Open Source.
This was then picked up by some users and hosting companies in 
projects like RackStar and BlueQuartz. The later folks are/were based 
in Japan and haven't been very active at all (at least from the 
perspective of a non-Japanese person) and Michael then introduced his 
own fork which is now BlueOnyx.
So it is from the start something more than a "one guy show", though 
I am not sure how much others but Michael are actively working in 
code to keep it up to date.

One problem which your not so knowledgable developer probably has is 
that he seems to be a Redhat guy, while BlueOnyx these days is 
CentOS/Scientific Linux based...


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