[BlueOnyx:12302] Re: Hey Michael! Any idea how many BO boxes are out there?

Roy Urick rurick at usa.net
Mon Feb 25 20:59:32 -05 2013

Project Update:

Once the customer sat us all down around a table and we were able to have a face to face conversation to explain that other than a few gotchas like you can't refer to /login /admin, make major changes directly to the config files, etc. it's just a standard LAMP platform they agreed to take a look.

 Wouldnt you know it? An hour or so of development and they had it running just fine. :)

Thanks to all for the info. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 25, 2013, at 8:18 PM, Michael Stauber <mstauber at blueonyx.it> wrote:

> Hi Ralf,
> Yeah, that is a good summary.
>> One problem which your not so knowledgable developer probably has is 
>> that he seems to be a Redhat guy, while BlueOnyx these days is 
>> CentOS/Scientific Linux based...
> Whereas CentOS and SL are just forks off RedHat with a different
> branding. So if he knows RedHat, then it's actually less of a difference.
> -- 
> With best regards
> Michael Stauber
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