[BlueOnyx:13189] Re: Stuck at intro.html

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Thu Jun 6 14:11:22 -05 2013

Hi Darryl,

> I have a virtual BO running in Aventurine and the login page for the
> BO server reverts to the intro.html page. I have tried changing the
> admin password to the default "blueonyx" to try to get it to go
> through the setup but when I click start it simply reloads the page.
> Any ideas?

To get past that login page the "admin" password must be "blueonyx", as
you already said. If that's not working, then please try this:

>From the Aventurin{e} master node use "vzctl enter <VPSID>" to enter the
VPS in question as "root".

Then start "cceclient" with this command:


Type "find System" to find out which object ID the "System" object has.
CCE client will report with something like thus:

104 OBJECT 1

In that case "System" is object #1. Yours could be different.

Then type:

set <OBJECT ID> isLicenseAccepted = "1"

In my case where "System" is object #1 it would be this:

set 1 isLicenseAccepted = "1"

Then exit CCEclient with CTRL+C and try to go to the login page directly:


You should be able to login then.

Setting "isLicenseAccepted = "1" in Object "System" disables the
round-about through the Setup-Wizard.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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