[BlueOnyx:12427] Re: 5106R performance issues

Ken Marcus kenlists at precisionweb.net
Tue Mar 5 18:33:35 -05 2013

On 3/5/2013 11:30 AM, Chuck Tetlow wrote:
> > I also have had 2 or 3 cases now of the maillog sitting at 0 size and
> > nothing logged there, even though mail is otherwise running fine.
> > Nothing found in the messages log indicating a problem either.
> > Restarting sendmail doesn't resolve this. Anyone have a suggestion for
> > something else to try short of rebooting that VPS (which is what I've
> > resorted to)?
> >
> > --
> > Jim Matysek
> Jim,
> If that happens again, try "service rsyslog restart", and then 
> "service sendmail restart".
> The first restarts the logging services, which can sometimes hang in 
> the process ofstarting a new set of logs.  But if that keeps happening 
> - you've got a deeper problem that should be investigated/addressed.
> Chuck
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For servers that have problems with the syslog, I just set a cron to 
check it every 10 minutes. The script I use is

# This script will check to see if the syslog is running and if
# it is not then it will restart it.
  $mailprog = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';
  $sendto = "someone\@somedomain.net";

$pscount =`ps auxwwwww | grep -v grep | grep syslog -c`;
$ps =`ps fauxw `;
#print "ps is:   $ps\n";

if( $pscount > 0) {
  # print "syslog is running.  It is ok.\n";
} else {
  system ('/etc/rc.d/init.d/syslog restart');
  print "I restarted syslog\n";

          open (MAIL, "|$mailprog -t") || &safe_die("Can't open 
          print MAIL "From: $sendto\n";
          print MAIL "Reply-To: $sendto\n";
          print MAIL "To: $sendto\n";
          print MAIL "Subject: $serverdomain  syslog restart\n\n";
          print MAIL "The ps  is:   $ps \n";
          close (MAIL);


Ken Marcus
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