[BlueOnyx:12624] Re: Maximum number of RCPTs for Vhost

(NSD) Thomas Petersen thomasp at nsd.dk
Wed Mar 27 09:21:09 -05 2013

Anyone ?

Fra: blueonyx-bounces at mail.blueonyx.it [mailto:blueonyx-bounces at mail.blueonyx.it] På vegne af Marcello Torchio
Sendt: 23. marts 2013 07:09
Til: BlueOnyx General Mailing List
Emne: [BlueOnyx:12606] Maximum number of RCPTs for Vhost

Good morning sirs (+1 GMT),

i've a few question about sendmail settings.

Recently i have been subject of a spam attack. A mailbox password was stolen and a bot sends spam through my BO 5108R server.

Honestly I have not noticed the issue until the server has not been put in some blacklists.

First question, is it possible to have a monitor tool to understand if there is a spamming activity on the mail server?

For example a threshold number of RCPTs in outgoing messages that can alert the administrator when exceeded, or the content of messages or i don't know...
One of the wrong setting was that the outgoing mail were not analyzed by AvSPAM, but only the incoming mail.

I've reduced the maximum number oc RCPTs to 5. But one of our customer need to write up to 40 RCPTs.

Second question: Is it possible to setup Vhost dedicated maximum number of RCPTS?

Have someone of you tips&tricks to monitor and prevent this spam mailing and blacklisting?


Marcello Torchio
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