[BlueOnyx:13003] Re: Problem: user names disappearsatJapanesecontrol page

Eiji Hamano bluequartz at hypersys.ne.jp
Wed May 15 01:59:59 -05 2013

Hi Michael

Before I prepare the server,
I must get the answers from the contact to DTI.

a.  Do you in trouble update of the mirror stopped
b. What do you want to mirror site of BlueOnyx future?
c.  How do you handle the modules that are delivered BlueOnyx future?

Now I am contacting to DTI.
They are still doing business in server at http://dream.jp/vps/.

And also I  must get the answers from you.

1.  I'm not sure why however you delete ftp.dti.ad.jp from the mirror list

>> and not a *single* Japanese user deemed it necessary to report
>> that these updates were not getting through to them. Not a single user
>> reported this blatant problem. How can that be?

    Can you explain it again?

2.  You have removed the ftp.dti.ad.jp mirror almost five months before.
     Did you thought what you try BlueOnyx machine future in Japan?  

3.  Did you announce about that something?

4.  were you able to fix the broken mirror list using main repository?

5.  Japanese all users have not experienced the latest five months updates.
     So, it is necessary form me to check to try to the change,  isn't  it?

6.  The site http://devel.blueonyx.it/trac/  is not telling only 
     about 5106R and 5107R.  It's same as 5108R?

7.  The amount of transfer month or become the gigabytes - how much?

Eiji Hamano 

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